SME Cloud Security and Privacy Survey 2015


香港互聯網協會及雲安全聯盟香港澳門分會今天聯手披露第二年由Microsoft 香港贊助的「香港中小企雲端應用、保安及私隱就緒程度」調查報告結果,攜手推動香港的雲端發展。

The Internet Society Hong Kong and the Cloud Security Alliance Hong Kong and Macau Chapter today jointly announced the results of the second year- “Hong Kong Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) Cloud Adoption, Security & Privacy Readiness Survey”, which sponsored by Microsoft Hong Kong to facilitate the Cloud development in Hong Kong.



Chester Soong, Chairman of Internet Society Hong Kong said the Cloud services adoption rate among the SMEs has increased significant. And they have been paying greater attention towards the date security issue.

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雲安全聯盟香港澳門分會會長林志堅指出,自《個人資料(私隱)條例》實行後,中小企對雲服務供應商的條件更高。他建議中小企可選擇符合國際標準ISO/IEC 27018等的雲服務供應商。

Claudius Lam, Chairman of Cloud Security Alliance Hong Kong and Macau Chapter pointed that SMEs have set higher expectation to their Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) since the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance has been enacted. He advised SMEs to consider CSPs who comply with international standards, like ISO/IEC 27018 for better data privacy protection.

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Microsoft 香港有限公司區域科技長陳育明認為本港的雲端市場處於迅速增長的階段,中小企現時能以相宜價錢享有企業級的雲端服務包括資料私隱保護,有助提升中小企的競爭力。

Alan Chan, National Technology Officer of Microsoft Hong Kong Limited believed that the Cloud services market in Hong Kong are growing rapidly. SMEs can now enjoy enterprise-class data and privacy protection at a more affordable price, which helps to increase SMEs competitiveness.