The first industry consortium formed to launch “goIPv6” service

 For Immediate Release


The first industry consortium formed to launch “goIPv6” service

Hong Kong’s first free IPv6 service facilitates Internet’s development


Hong Kong, 5 April 2013 –– A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been jointly signed by Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited (HKIRC), Internet Society Hong Kong (ISOC HK), New Sky Internet Ltd, NTT Communications and TraxComm to form the goIPv6 Consortium. With the strong support from Cyberport and Juniper, the Consortium plans to launch “goIPv6” service in July to provide free IPv6 tunnelling service. The service aims to encourage the industry and network users to migrate to IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) as IPv4 addresses are running out, and be well prepared for Internet development and opportunities in the future.


With the shortage of IPv4 addresses and the rapid growth of emerging Internet markets, enterprises are facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities. IPv6 provides so many more addresses that they can be disposed rather than reassigned when a device is no longer in use. As a result, this can enhance quality of network service, improve network performance and support mobility. IPv6 can also stimulate innovations in enterprise solutions such as e-health network solutions, high-speed video conferencing, quality voice-over-IP (VoIP) and a wide array of online entertainment. All these bring convenience to people’s daily lives and help foster economic growth and development of Hong Kong in the long term.


To support the coexistence of IPv4 and IPv6, there are specific requirements for the infrastructure in terms of equipment, operating system, applications, software and security policy. The migration to IPv6 will also lead to additional costs and, to a certain extent, affect daily operations. With its expertise and knowledge, the Consortium will proactively promote IPv6 tunnelling service as a way to provide interconnectivity of IPv4 and IPv6 networks. This will streamline the process of IPv6 migration for enterprises and Internet Service Providers.


The “goIPv6” platform allows users to easily set up their “IPv6 tunnels” by providing basic information such as IPv4 address and contact details. The “goIPv6” program will be launched in phases. At the moment, the Consortium will invite different target groups to run pilot tests of the “goIPv6” service to enhance the platform, while deepening the understanding of IPv6 by the local Internet community.


Members of the Consortium and sponsoring organisations play an important role in the “goIPv6” project. HKIRC is responsible for the project planning, development and operation of “goIPv6” platform and customer support. NTT Communications provides dual stack IPv4/IPv6 international Internet Connectivity. TraxComm provides hosting facility and local connectivity. New Sky Internet Ltd provides technical support, ISOC HK collaborates on community promotion, and Cyberport encourages and facilitates industry participation. Juniper Networks offers the core equipment to support the service.


For more information on the “goIPv6” service, please visit




Jonathan Shea, CEO of HKIRC

“The adoption of IPv6 has been slow in Hong Kong, even though there are no more new IPv4 addresses allocated at the regional level. HKIRC realises the importance of IPv6 deployment in ensuring the sustainability of the local Internet, and is honoured to have the opportunity of working together with renowned and experienced organisations and companies to form the ‘goIPv6’ Consortium. The project aims to enable Internet Service Providers, enterprises and Internet users to gain first-hand experience of IPv6 and become more comfortable with the migration to IPv6. At the same time, we expect ‘goIPv6’ to help promote the benefits of IPv6 and the new business opportunities that may arise for the local Internet industry, and support the sustainable growth and long-term development of the Hong Kong Internet community.”


SC Leung, Chairman of ISOC HK

“ISOC HK has been working closely with the Government and various industry stakeholders in promoting IPv6 deployment and has leading the society to the next generation of the Internet. We have established a solid foundation for community-wide adoption of IPv6 in order to keep the Internet growing. ISOC HK is pleased to be part of the ‘goIPv6’ alliance initiative to provide a one-year free IPv6 tunneling service. We hope with the joint effort, the promotion of IPv6 deployment will be continued.”


Dellon Mak, Business Manager of New Sky Internet Ltd

“As an alliance of the ‘goIPv6’ project, New Sky will not only exert expertise on network security and wireless solution, but also apply its rich experience of cooperating with Hong Kong SMEs. In this way, New Sky hopes that business entities will deepen the knowledge of IPv6. Particularly, it helps SMEs to keep pace with the most updated technology, not falling behind with large enterprise.”


Patrick Ng, Executive Vice President, Global Network Business Division, NTT Com Asia Ltd

“As a leading IPv6 pioneer operating one of the largest Tier-1 IPv6 backbones in the world, NTT Communications is delighted to join the ‘goIPv6’ Consortium to promote IPv6 transition in Hong Kong and provide stable and reliable dual stack IPv4/IPv6 international Internet connectivity for trial. It is clear that the world is running out of IPv4 addresses. Without any further delay, enterprises, especially those dedicated to online business, really need to start planning for their IPv6 transition to ensure their business continues to operate smoothly in the future.”


Kenneth Lau, Chief Officer, TraxComm Ltd

“The transition from IPv4 to IPv6 should be the road ahead to future Internet. The collaborations and commitments from industrial players are inevitable for a smooth transition. TraxComm is glad to participate in ‘goIPv6’ and join with the consortium members in promoting the IPv4/v6 transition.”


goIPv6 Consortium



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Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited (HKIRC) is a non-profit-distributing, non-statutory company limited by guarantee designated by the Government of the HKSAR to undertake the administration of Internet domain names under the .hk and .香港 country code top level domain. HKIRC provides registration services for English domain names ending with,,,,,, .hk and Chinese domain names ending with .公司.香港, .組織.香港, .網絡.香港, .教育.香港, .政府.香港, .個人.香港, .香港, and other domains to be introduced from time to time in Hong Kong.


Media Contacts:


Dorothy Chow

Tel: + 852 2319 3883
Fax: + 852 2319 2626
Email: [email protected]


Annie Ho / Belle Pei

Tel: + 852 3944 5016 / 3944 5013
Fax: + 852 3944 5001
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]






香港首個免費IPv6服務 促進互聯網發展


香港,2013年4月5日 ––香港互聯網註冊管理有限公司(HKIRC)、香港互聯網協會(ISOC HK)、天下網絡有限公司、NTT Communications及 TraxComm共同簽署諒解備忘錄 (Memorandum of Understanding, MoU) 組成「goIPv6」聯盟,並計劃於本年七月推出免費的IPv6網絡隧道服務「goIPv6」。該服務亦獲得數碼港及Juniper Networks的鼎力支持。由於IPv4地址不敷應用,服務將進一步推動業界及網絡用戶過渡IPv6(互聯網規約版本六),迎接未來互聯網的發展和機遇。








聯盟夥伴及贊助機構在「goIPv6」項目中各自擔當重要角色,HKIRC負責項目策劃、設立操作平台及運作,及提供客戶支援服務等;NTT Communications 提供國際IPv4/IPv6互聯網連接;TraxComm提供設備寄存及本地連接;天下網絡提供技術支援;ISOCHK則攜手推廣服務至本地社群。另外,數碼港積極鼓勵業界的參與;Juniper Networks提供服務的核心設備。







「雖然IPv4地址在區域內已不敷應用,但本港採用IPv6的步伐相當緩慢。HKIRC深明部署及推行 IPv6 的重要性,以確保本地互聯網可持續發展。我們十分榮幸今次與富經驗的公司和知名的機構組成『goIPv6』聯盟,讓網絡營運商、企業及互聯網用戶率先體驗IPv6,為未來過渡至IPv6作好準備。同時,我們亦期望『goIPv6』能進一步促進各界利用 IPv6開創網絡商機,並透過IPv6促進香港互聯網社群持續和長遠發展。」



「香港互聯網協會一直與政府及業界緊密合作,積極推動IPv6部署及帶領本地社會進入互聯網的新一代。我們已成功為本地推動IPv6的發展奠下了穩固的基礎,令網絡得以持續發展。香港互聯網協會很高興成為『goIPv6』聯盟的一分子,推出首年免費的 IPv6 網絡隧道服務,希望透過各方的共同努力,繼續推動IPv6的發展及使用。」





NTT Com Asia Limited環球網絡業務部執行副總裁吳仕彬先生

「作為發展IPv6的先驅者,並操作全球其中一系列最大的Tier-1 IPv6骨幹網絡,NTT Communications很樂意成為『goIPv6』 的聯盟夥伴,積極協助本港各界由IPv4過渡至IPv6,並提供高度可靠的國際IPv4/IPv6互聯網連接,讓互聯網用戶進行測試。隨著IPv4網絡地址即將全面耗盡,本港各界,特別是以網絡商業活動為主的企業,應盡快籌劃過渡至IPv6,以確保其業務可繼續於互聯網順利運作。」


TraxComm 總經理劉貴顯先生

「互聯網從IPv4 過渡到IPv6 已是大勢所趨。但在這過渡期間,仍需一些有關資源的投放及業界的協作推動TraxComm 很樂意參與『goIPv6』來促進IPv4/IPv6的過渡。」





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香港互聯網註冊管理有限公司(HKIRC)為香港特別行政區政府指定的非牟利、非法定擔保有限公司,專責從事香港地區頂級域名(即 .hk )的行政工作。HKIRC所提供的域名登記類別包括英文的、、、、、.hk,及中文的 .公司.香港、.組織.香港、.網絡.香港、.教育.香港、.政府.香港、.個人.香港、.香港,和將會在香港推出其他相關域名的服務。




Dorothy Chow
電話:+ 852 2319 3883
傳真:+ 852 2319 2626
電子郵件:[email protected]


Annie Ho / Belle Pei

電話:+ 852 3944 5016 / 3944 5013
傳真:+ 852 3944 5001
電子郵件:[email protected] / [email protected]