Are you ready for IPv6? (3 Mar @ Cyberport)

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Are you ready for IPv6? (3 Mar @ Cyberport)

Over half thousand of IT practitioners had already attended the World IPv6 Day and World IPv6 Launch in 2011 and 2012. It has been already over one year from now. Where are we now in Hong Kong and in Asia Pacific? What’s IPv6 for the mass users? Please come and join us and get the updated development on IPv6!

Date: 3 Mar, 2014 (Mon)
Time: 2pm – 5pm
Venue: Function Room 1, Level 3, Core E, Cyberport 3, 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong
Language: English
Fee: Free of Charge

Register: Click Here

By simply attending the conference you will have the chance to win a iPad Mini (worth $2,288)!

For those who selected to take shuttle bus from Cyberport to Admiralty, please meet at 1:15pm (sharp) at :
G/F, Tower 2, Admiralty Centre, Drake St, Admiralty (Entrance of Café de Coral) (Map)

Guest of Honour


People - Joey Lam
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Joey Lam

Deputy Government Chief Information Officer (Policy and Community), OGCIO, HKSAR

People - Chester Soong
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Chester Soong

Internet Society Hong Kong


People - Anna Mulingbayan

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Anna Mulingbayan

Senior Internet Resource Analyst/Liaison Officer South East Asia at APNIC

Topic: IPv6 Deployment: Where are we now?

People - Sunny Yeung

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Sunny Yeung

Senior Technology Specialist, Telstra

Title: IPv6 in Mobile Networks

People - Katherine Kwan

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Katherine Kwan

VP, Product Development & Management, Consumer Group, PCCW

Title: IPv6 for the mass users?

People - Tom Paseka

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Tom Paseka

IP Engineer, CloudFlare

Title: Bridging the IPv6 gap, CDNs

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