Why Open and Free Internet is important to digital economy?

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Why Open and Free Internet is Important to Digital Economy?

Digitally driven economic growth continues to be one of the few bright spots in a sluggish global economy. Reducing or eliminating numerous factors that inhibit online interactions and exchange could cause this growth to be even faster and could have an even bigger impact.

To better understand these sources of “e-friction” and how they constrain economic activity, Internet Society Hong Kong has organized the Open and Free Internet Forum on 8 April. Fadi Chehade’s, President and CEO of ICANN together with a few Internet pioneers will discuss why reducing or eliminating sources of “e-friction” can grease the wheels of the Internet economy worldwide.

This Forum will be held in conjunction with Internet Hall of Frame 2014, 2-3 inductees of the year will join the panel discussion to give their valuable insight.

Date: 8th Apr, 2014 (Tue)
Time: 2pm – 3:30pm
Venue: Salon Rooms, Grand Hyatt, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Fee: Free of Charge

Registration: Click Here

Keynote Speaker

Special Guest

People - Fadi Chehadé's

Fadi Chehadé
President and CEO, ICANN

People - Charles Mok

Charles Mok
Ex-Chair, APRALO, ICANN and

Legislative Councillor (I.T.), HKSAR



People - Edmond Chung

Edmond Chung
Director, International Liaison,
Internet Society Hong Kong

People - Unknown

Inductee of Internet Hall of Fame 2014

People - Unknown

Inductee of Internet Hall of Fame 2014

People - Pindar Wong

Pindar Wong
Global Commission on Internet Governance (GCIG)

By attending this event, you can have a chance to win a Samsung Grand Neo (Worth HKD 2298)!

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