網絡審查禁制令範圍收窄 關注政府繼續製造寒蟬效應

Court issued restrictions on the injunction of banning online free speech
Concerns over Internet censorship remained

(2019年11月15日,香港)香港互聯網協會週一(11月11日)入稟覆核律政司司長向高等法院申請的臨時禁制令 。臨時禁制令禁制任何人於網上,包括連登討論區及 Telegram,發佈或轉發任何促進、鼓勵或煽動使用或威脅使用暴力的言論。

今日高等法院開庭審理案件,法官下午裁定臨時禁制令繼續生效,然而法官採納香港互聯網協會的觀點,要求政府釐清及收窄臨時禁制令的範圍。在宣讀判詞中,法官表明法庭無意要求互聯網平台審查或過濾內容,相信有效釐清對於互聯網上的平台、 中介及互聯網供應商的法律責任。法官亦下令更改禁制令的部份字眼,表示禁制令在執行上必須要確保發布及散播內容人士是有意圖煽動暴力。




(15th November 2019, Hong Kong) The Internet Society Hong Kong (ISOC HK) filed a civil action in court on Monday (11th November), seeking to challenge the government’s interim injunction of affecting free speech online. The High Court today heard the case.

Judgement was issued this afternoon which the injunction will continue to be effective. However, taking into account the legal perspectives of ISOC HK, the judge narrowed the scope of the original injunction and amended that only those with the intent to incite will be found guilty under the new injunction order. The judgement also made clear that platform operators are not required under the injunction order to exercise instantaneous censorship of the online content of all posts on the platforms, or to police or filter out information or messages. 

The original injunction order was believed to be vague and overbroad. Commenting on the judgement, the Internet Society Hong Kong and IT legislator Charles Mok remarked that with the judgement today, the new injunction order has moved closer to existing criminal offences which proving intent is necessary for the enforcement authorities to take legal actions. However, the new injunction order still seeks to create chilling effect and force the public to engage in self-censorship.

Both the IT organisation and Mok expressed their concerns that even with a restricted injunction order, the government may issue new injunction orders or apply the Emergency Regulations Ordinance to introduce Internet shutdown and that must be stopped at all costs.

They expressed their gratitude to the legal team for their efforts and will discuss the next step forward. They were also grateful to the support of the public who has participated in the crowdfunding campaign.