Notice for AGM 2014


Notice for AGM and Election 
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Internet Society Hong Kong Limited will be held on 27-Dec-2014 (Sat).

The Election of the Board of Directors will be held in the AGM. Five seats of the Board will be opened for election, with four seats for full member category and one seat for general member category. For joining the election, please fill in the appropriate nomination form and submit the form on or before 20 Dec 2014.

Annual General Meeting 2014
Date: 27-Dec-2014 (Sat)
Time: 11am – 12 noon (please be punctual)
Venue: Room 203, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong (Map)

Participants: Internet Society Hong Kong members only
Registration: Please email to [email protected]

Agenda of Meeting

1. Confirmation of Agenda
2. Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting
3. Confirmation Business Report
4. Confirmation of Financial Report
Here you are the link to download the report:
Please email your request to [email protected] for password.

5. Election of Board of Directors
Here you are the links to download the nomination forms: 
Full Member: 
General Member: 
Please email your request to [email protected] for password.

6. AOB

Please note that original proxy form ( must be reached the office three days before the AGMPlease email your request with your membership no. to  [email protected] for password.

Internet Society Hong Kong