
Internet Society Hong Kong’s concerns over the Anti-doxxing bill

The HKSAR government gazetted amendments to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (PDPO) against doxxing (anti-doxxing bill) on 16th June, 2021, and the first reading and debate took place in legislature on 21st July, 2021 (Wednesday). Internet Society Hong Kong is concerned over the new anti-doxxing bill, while we acknowledge the importance of protecting citizens’ privacy,…

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香港特區政府於 2021 件 6 月 16 日刊憲,將在 2021 年 7 月 21 日(星期三)進行有關《私隱條例》草案修訂之首讀及開始二讀辯論。香港互聯網協會對此表示關注及憂慮,保障個人私隱是對社會有益的倡議,但協會認為是次修例賦予私隱專員過大權力,將影響本港的資訊自由,與國際社會多年一直推動開放、不受限制的互聯網的理念背道而馳。

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