Hong Kong ICT Awards 2015: Best ICT Startup Award – Call for Entries
Encouraging young entrepreneurs and rewarding tech startups
Call for Entries –Best ICT Startup Award
Hong Kong ICT Awards 2015: Best ICT Startup Award aims to recognize ICT startups that have developed innovative and quality ICT solutions, with a view to promoting entrepreneurship and startup culture. Entrants may select one of the following three streams: Consumer Market, Business Market and Social Innovation Stream. The eligible entrants will be informed to attend a presentation session hosted by the Assessment Panel, which is formed by investors and angel investors, successful startup founders, great entrepreneurs, IT experts, startup community friends etc.
Winners will be entitled to the following prizes:
- to gain Exposure for profile building; become a feature story in media;
- to Pitch for practice; u need the pressure
and quality panel to imitate the real situation when you
meet your real investors. - to boost Connection with investor
s and angel investors, successful startup founders, great entrepreneurs, IT experts,
startup community friends etc.;
- to receive trophies (Gold / Silver / Bronze) or certificates for the Hong Kong ICT Awards;
- to display the official logo of the Hong Kong ICT Awards in their promotional materials;
- to participate in various promotional campaigns to publicise their achievements;
- to be supported for entering into other international awards and competitions;
- to “fast track” admission to the Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks’ Incu-Tech and Incu-Bio Incubation Programme;
- to one-year free subscription to Cyberport’s Collaboration Centre’s services including the soft-landing, business support services, etc;
- to participate in investment matching activities of the Hong Kong Business Angel Network (HKBAN); and
- to free participation in some large-scale local ICT events (e.g. International ICT Expo) for marketing exposure

- A hardcopy of the completed original entry form with authorized signature and company chop;
- A copy of the Business Registration of the entrantor equivalent supporting document;
- A copy of the Certificate of Incorporation of the entrant or equivalent supporting document;
- Attachments or supplementary information (if any).
If you are interested to know more details, please download the application leaflet.
Should you have any enquiries, please call 2319 2303 or email to [email protected].
2015香港資訊及通訊科技獎: 最佳資訊科技初創企業獎 – 請從速報名
鼓勵青年創業 獎勵科技新企業
2015香港資訊及通訊科技獎: 最佳資訊科技初創企業獎旨在鼓
化。參賽者可以選擇以下三個組別的其中一個: 消費市場、
- 增加曝光率; 成為媒體專題報導故事
- 練習推銷技巧,為你與真正投資者見面時作最好的準備
- 擴展人脈網絡,認識投資者和投資天使、成功的創業者、企業家、I
T專家等等 - 授予金/銀/銅獎之獎座或證書;
- 授權在宣傳物品上展示香港資訊及通訊科技獎的標誌;
- 安排於不同類型的推廣活動中宣傳其得獎項目;
- 協助參加其他國際獎項和比賽;
- 以「特快審核」方式加入香港科技園的「科技創業培育計劃」及「生
物科技創業培育計劃」; - 一年免費登記使用數碼港的協作中心之服務,包括軟著陸、業務支援
服務等; - 參與香港天使投資脈絡舉辦的投資配對活動;及
- 免費參與本地大型資訊及通訊科技活動(如「國際資訊科技博覽」)
1. 填寫網上報名表格
2. 齊集
- 已簽署及附有公司蓋章的報名表格正本;
- 參賽公司的商業登記證副本或相關証明文件;
- 參賽公司的公司註冊證書副本或相關証明文件;
- 有關參賽公司的其他附加資料(如適用)。
3. 將以上文件交回主辦機構辦公室:
(地址:香港互聯網協會 – 香港觀塘偉業街161號德勝廣場2
若有任何問題,請致電2319 2303或電郵至[email protected]