International Events

HONG KONG INTERNET GOVERNANCE FORUM (HKIGF) ROUNDTABLE: Is the National Security Law Hong Kong’s Great Firewall? 香港互聯網管治論壇: 網絡長城——港版國安法與網絡自由

Register: Hong Kong Internet Governance Forum: Is the National Security Law Hong Kong’s Great Firewall? Date: 18 NOV Time: 7pm – 9pm  Venue: ZOOM Language: English On July 1, Hong Kong’s sweeping new national security law came into effect. Though the law doesn’t target the technology sector per se, Article 9 stipulates that the…

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10th Anniversary Celebration cum Asia Internet Symposium Hong Kong (11 Nov, Cyberport HK)

    Organized by Internet Society Asia-Pacific Bureau   Hosted by Internet Society Hong Kong   Asia Internet Symposium Hong Kong  11 Nov, 2016 | Cyberport, Hong Kong   'Shaping our Lives with Internet of Things: the Angels and the Devils'   This year, with the celebration of our 10th anniversary, ISOCHK is partnering with Internet…

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InterCommunity 2015 – Hong Kong Hub

InterCommunity 2015 – A global meeting of the Internet Society, on the Internet, for the Internet. This one-of-a-kind community event will give you the opportunity to share your unique perspectives on key Internet topics and issues. – Connect with the Internet Society Board of Trustees – Exchange ideas with people around the globe – Join…

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Internet Hall of Fame Inductees Inductees Ceremony (8 April 14)

  Internet Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony 2014 Established by the Internet Society in 2012, the Internet Hall of Fame awards programme ( publicly recognizes those select and distinguished visionaries, leaders, and luminaries, who have made significant contributions to the development and advancement of the Internet. The third annual Internet Hall of Fame awards will…

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Why Open and Free Internet is important to digital economy?

Why Open and Free Internet is Important to Digital Economy? Digitally driven economic growth continues to be one of the few bright spots in a sluggish global economy. Reducing or eliminating numerous factors that inhibit online interactions and exchange could cause this growth to be even faster and could have an even bigger impact. To…

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World Internet Developer Summit 2014

World Internet Developer Summit 2014 Get ready for Hong Kong’s signature World Internet Developer Summit! Hosted by Internet Society Hong Kong, Cyberport and Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, the action-packed two-day summit is the annual and signature cross-platform developer summit in the region. Get connected with the greatest minds in the industry with…

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【新聞稿】國際盛事「互聯網名人堂」頒獎典禮首次於亞洲舉行 現在全球開始接受提名 香港獲選為 2014年度主辦城市 (16.10.2013)

  【新聞稿】 國際盛事「互聯網名人堂」頒獎典禮首次於亞洲舉行 現在全球開始接受提名   香港獲選為 2014年度主辦城市   【香港,2013年10月16日】– 互聯網協會(Internet Society)剛宣佈2014年度「互聯網名人堂」現在開始全球公開接受提名,截至10月31日為止,香港獲選定為2014年度「互聯網名人堂」頒獎典禮的主辦城市,典禮將於2014年4月8日舉行,並將成為2014年4月7至20日香港國際IT匯的亮點之一。   國際盛事「互聯網名人堂」現在已進入第三個年頭,旨在頌揚世界各地超卓的遠見者、創新者與領導者,表彰他們為全球開放互聯網的發展與進步所作出的重大貢獻 。「互聯網名人堂」象徵著全球互聯網的活生生歷史,所有獲獎者也被載入這互聯網「史記」內 (。   誠意邀請世界各地的組織和個人參與提名,提名表格可從「互聯網名人堂」網站下載:。被提名者將分為三個類別:   先驅者:推動互聯網早期設計和發展的人士   創新者:對技術、商業或政策發展做出重大貢獻,並幫助擴展互聯網覆蓋的人士   全球連結者:在全球範圍內或特定區域或社區內為互聯網的發展、連結和使用作出重大貢獻的人士 「如果沒有這些先驅者和遠見者艱苦經營,互聯網不會出現。」互聯網協會董事會主席Robert Hinden說道。「互聯網深深改變了全球生態及你我的生活,如果沒有這些前人的工作和努力,一切都將無從談起。這是確認他們貢獻的機會,是他們讓互聯網夢想成真。」 互聯網協會主席兼總裁Lynn St. Amour稱:「香港一直被評為全球最具活力的國際城市之一,擁有高上網人口,將是明年頒獎典禮的理想舉辦城市。2014年度的盛事將與之前一樣,匯聚一些最偉大的思想家和協作者, 鼓舞人心。」 2014年度「互聯網名人堂」頒獎典禮將成為2014年4月7至20日香港國際IT匯的亮點之一。這個國際盛事每年都在世界不同區域舉行,繼香港之後,2015年、2016年和2017年頒獎典禮將分別在拉丁美洲、非洲和北美舉行。   有關2012年和2013年「互聯網名人堂」得獎者及其貢獻之詳情,請瀏覽:。您可以在Facebook和Twitter上關注「互聯網名人堂」: @Internet_HOF。

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World Internet Developer Summit 2013

World Internet Developer Summit 2013 Get ready for Hong Kong’s signature World Internet Developer Summit! Hosted by Internet Society Hong Kong, Cyberport and Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, the action-packed two-day summit is the annual and signature cross-platform developer summit in the region.   Get connected with the greatest minds in the industry…

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APRICOT-APAN 2011, Hong Kong – 15 – 25 Feb 2011

Official Website: Review APRICOT-APAN 2011, Hong Kong Online   Audio, live streaming video, transcript, presentation files   Photo Gallery:   Videos on YouTube Overall Event Highlight: or APRICOT-APAN 2011_Event_Highlight.pdf

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APRICOT-APAN 2011:「激想香港互聯網大事件」選舉 (

Defining Moments of the Internet in Hong Kong” Online Campaign 「激想香港互聯網大事件」選舉 (   Video library of this online campaign: ttp://   Find more video here:   Nominations:   Results : “Defining Moments of the Internet in Hong Kong” Online Campaign     Selection Panel Members  (By alphabetical order) Ms. Barbara…

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